Friday, June 15, 2012

Yield Sign Vs. Stop Sign

This is for all of you fuckheads who have forgotten what these simple traffic signs stand for.

A yield sign is a god damn triangle. You know, the shape with three sides. It fucking says "yield" right on it. Yield doesn't mean to come to a complete stop if there is no traffic where you are merging. It means slow your fag ass down and see if you can safely merge onto the road you are trying to get to.

A stop sign is an octagon. It had the word "stop" on it. That is the one you stop at numbnuts. (Editors note: you can roll through said sign, but after two $200 tickets, I suggest you stop all the way.)

This is kind of a retarded ass post, but I feel the need to have daily Public Service Announcent from here forward in an attempt to save the human race from early extinction. fro